Hmmm.. where did I stop… Oh yeah.. to continue with my summary:
3) If he wants to start dating seriously-
This is where things can get a little bit sticky if you cannot / will not / do not handle it carefully. It’s definitely more than a casual affair, and obviously not an ONS (or SNS – several nite stands). You suddenly find yourself having to think what is it you want from him, and vice-versa. Or you think “what the heck, it’s better than nothing”. Then you are in shithouse (read my posting on shithouse / taxi fare).
First time couples will of course find this dating business so euphoric and feel they are on top of the world. Seasoned ones will still feel good about it, but always with some caveats to their true feelings. Cynical partners will say “here we go again”. Timid ones will be full of doubts, just as the brave ones will think nothing of it at all.
So what should you do?
I can’t speak for everyone. One size doesn’t fit all. Some are slim and svelte, other are plain obese and flabby. But that is the point, isn’t it? You need to KNOW what you want out of it all, and what the OTHER person expects. But, take that step if you will, for you won’t know what lies ahead anyway. If you want to play it safe, then just sit at home and whine to all and sundry who wants to listen. Or go and live some life.
Dating is also the time you need to think a bit more seriously about the things you have been doing before he / she / they come along. And also the things you have to do from now on. If you are dating more than one person, then you have to let each one know of the existence of the other. It’s only fair. You’d want to know if that other person is also seeing someone else, right?
By the way, dating does NOT mean you’d be having sex. I mean, sex is optional. With ONS (or SNS) you screw more than you talk. With affairs, you get to at least hear his voice during conversations. But with dates, you finally see that he has two eyes, two ears, two hands, some brains, and perhaps (usually) two testicles. Sex is a bonus, not a right in dates.
( be continued..).