"One of the doctors, Matthew said that medically, they have done all they could for Edi who now has a distant look about him. It's up to him to fight for quicker recovery. I wonder if this might be the depression that sets in after heart bypass surgery; we read about it in a booklet from St V's. The doc also said to keep talking to him, telling him what's happened, where he is now at, to keep his mind occupied (eg: the ICU has provided him a TV and some DVDs). I'll bring in his phone with his music.
A nurse asked Edi this afternoon if he knew what's happened to him; Edi shook his head so she outlined to him the events that have unfolded over the last two weeks. I've told Edi a few times about his illness but didn't go into detail and of course, he couldn't ask for clarifications because of the ventilator and tracheostomy.
Matthew also stated that patients sometimes don't remember what we've told them, so we are to repeat info to help him move his recovery along. Edi is not fidgety or restless when Hei Meng was there. When I was there in the morning, he saw me engaged in conversation with the nurse from Msia and waved at me to attract my attention. Drawing near to him, he continued to wave his left hand and mouthed "Go". I think he was mindful that I was on my way to work.
There is no bed available in the normal ward today but it looks like by tomorrow, one will become available."
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