They say time slips by.
But it will only slip through your fingers if your palms are greasy to begin with. Therefore you need a firm dry hold in order not to let time slip by and then you “melatah” as if you dropped something.
Don’t you wish it was that easy?
The past two weeks or so did slip by so fast. Too many things to do and so little time. Too many thoughts and so little resolutions. Too much wooziness and not enough recovery. Too many calls and too little news. Too much info and so little usefulness..
Well, soon enough the Year of the Tiger will be here. I will miss the quiet reunion meal that I’ve been having with my “family”. For the first time in the last 30 years or so, Edi will not be here for CNY. But I hope he will enjoy the reunion with his brother and sister in Melbourne. I take joy in the fact that at least he will be with his real blood and flesh family.
As for me, I suddenly realised that my small circle of friends and acquaintances has actually grown a bit more in the last 5 months. I hope they can be good friends for the long haul, and not just “hi & bye” for whatever reasons. But I suppose friendship in whatever form is better than having enemies. I shall hope for the best in this new year with the tigers.
One of my friends say that I am walking on thin ice. I hope not. I’ve got rid of excess baggage, (bags under my eyes aren’t considered as excess baggage) so I guess I’m lighter. But then again, I’ll never know until I crashed through, would I?
Not sure yet what my plans would be for this coming CNY. But I want to wish all my friends who are going home, to have a safe and pleasant journey.
xper.. tawun ni CNY shin ngn pakcik plak ek.. sblm2 ni pakcik edi masak.. tawun ni..pizza hut masakan utk pakcik plak.. jom jom jom~
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