Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just a short post..

For some strange reason, I suddenly remembered the following pantun which was translated into English in the Encyclopeadia Britannica :

"From where does the dove flies,
it flies to its nest in the knoll:
the true gate of love is the eyes,
the prize of its quest, is the soul."

The original Malay pantun-

Dari mana punai melayang
dari sawah turun ke kali.
Dari mana datangnya sayang,
dari mata turun ke hati.


i'm shin... i'm inesen said...

tetiba terkenang lagu Kartina Dahari 'sayang di sayang'

gundaman said...

hahahah.. nostalgia gak ek.. I read that pantun english translation when I was 15 or 16.. it was so long ago..